- 摘 要
(广州大学土木工程学院, 广州 510006)
[关键词]消能楼梯间; 滑动楼梯间; 框架结构; 抗震性能; 抗侧刚度; 填充墙
Seismic performance analysis of frame structures with damped staircases
Luo Dezhang, Deng Xuesong, Zhou Yun, Zhang Chao
(School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstract:Numerical simulation analysis was conducted on the frame structure with damped staircase, the frame structure with conventional staircase, the frame structure with sliding staircase and bare frame structure under earthquake actions, in order to research the effect of damped staircase on the seismic performance of frame structure and the energy dissipating performance of damped staircase. The results show that damped staircase decreases infill walls′ stiffness and eliminate the restraint effect and brace effect produced by stairs. The damped staircase does not significantly change the lateral stiffness distribution of the structure, and has little effect on the dynamic characteristics of the structure. The damped staircase consumes a large amount of seismic energy in the input structure, provides a certain effective additional damping ratio, reduces the floor shear force and interlayer displacement, and improves the seismic performance of the frame structure; damped staircase reduces the damage degree of staircase members, frame beams and columns under earthquake action, improves the yielding of the structure, and contributes to the yielding mechanism of “strong column and weak beam” of the structure.
Keywords:damped staircase; sliding staircase; frame structure; seismic performance; lateral stiffness; infill wall
通讯作者:邓雪松,硕士,教授,Email: deng2593@163.com。