- 摘 要
(广东省建筑设计研究院, 广州 510010)
[关键词]华策国际大厦; 半逆作施工法; 钢板剪力墙; 结构造价; 结构占用面积; 结构工期; 综合经济效益
中图分类号:TU318, TU398文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-848X(2019)21-0066-03
Economic comparison of steel plate wall corewall scheme and concrete corewall scheme of Huace International Building
Li Zhixiang, Zhang Liping
(Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510010, China)
Abstract:The structural design and modification process of steel plate wall corewall scheme and concrete corewall scheme of Huace International Building were introduced. Calculation data before and after the modification of the superstructure were compared, and the influence of structural design modification on the overall cost of the project was analyzed, and comprehensive economic benefits of two schemes were analyzed and compared in perspectives of structural cost, occupied area of structure and structural duration, providing reference for similar projects.
Keywords:Huace International Building; semi-reversed construction method; steel plate shear wall; structural cost; occupied area of structure; structural duration; comprehensive economic benefit