- 摘 要
(长沙市规划设计院有限责任公司, 长沙 410007)
[关键词]乌鲁木齐市文化中心; 性能目标; 悬挑转换; 钢骨混凝土剪力墙; 厚壁钢管混凝土组合柱; 钢-混凝土组合楼盖
Structural design of Art Museum of Urumqi Cultural Center
Chen Junliang, Yin Zhiwen, Tong Shuo
(Changsha Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd., Changsha 410007, China)
Abstract:The Art Museum is one of the important venues in Urumqi Cultural Center, and its main structural height is 45m (excluding the height of the grid truss on the roof). The frame-shear wall structural system is adopted. The building is in an “egg-shaped” plane layout and extends from the 2nd floor to form a “large upper building shape and small lower building shape”, which is not conducive to earthquake resistance. The project is located near the seismic fault zone with large seismic fortification intensity, and the foundation is deep self weight collapsible loess site and the shape of superstructure is complex, and there are many technical problems in the design process of the structure. Performance-based seismic design of the structure and the structural technical treatment measures adopted in view of the technical difficulties of this project were emphatically introduced, the technical problems in the structural design of this project were solved effectively.
Keywords:Art Museum of Urumqi Cultural Center; performance objective; cantilever transformation; steel reinforced concrete shear wall; thick-walled concrete-filled steel tubular composite column; steel-concrete composite floor