您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2011年>> 第06期>>正文内容
孙建超, 杨金明, 齐国红, 姚勇, 王杨, 杜文博, 宋涛, 迟铃泉, 孙慧中
摘 要
(中国建筑科学研究院,北京 100013)
[摘要] 中国国家博物馆改扩建工程新馆主体结构采用钢筋混凝土多筒体-部分框架结构体系,楼层及屋顶大跨部分采用钢桁架结构。根据材料优缺点、施工特点等进行多方案分析比较,确定展厅、报告厅、演播室等楼盖结构选用后张有粘结预应力混凝土梁,钢桁架结构楼层采用钢筋桁架组合楼板。根据基础受力特点,经方案比选,新建部分基础采用桩筏基础,并进行了地基基础沉降协调分析,采用桩底桩侧后压浆技术大幅提高了单桩承载力,节约造价明显。在工程中采用了型钢混凝土结构以及钢板混凝土组合剪力墙等组合结构。设计中进行了抗震性能化分析以及型钢混凝土结构连接节点等分析研究。
[关键词] 中国国家博物馆;多筒体-部分框架结构体系;组合结构;钢板混凝土组合剪力墙;抗震性能化分析;地基基础沉降协调分析
Structure design for the new part of National Museum of China
Sun Jianchao, Yang Jinming, Qi Guohong, Yao Yong, Wang Yang, Du Wenbo, Song Tao, Chi Lingquan,  Sun Huizhong(China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China)
Abstract:The  new part of National Museum of China applied a multi-tubes and part of frame structure system, which is consisted by reinforce concrete structure for body, and steel truss for large span structure. The post-tensions prestressed beams are disposed for large space such as exhibition halls, reporting halls and studios, while the steel truss floors are formed by steel bar truss deck. Piled raft system is implemented as the foundation after settlement coordination analysis, furthermore, the loading capacity of piles are improved by post-grouting in the bottom and sides of piles. Nevertheless, the project processes a number of advanced engineering technologies including performance-based seismic analysis, the steel-stiffen connecting node, the stiffen structure and steel plate concrete composite wall to enhance the structure performance.
Keywords:National Museum of China; multi-tubes and part of frame structure; composite structure; steel plate concrete composite wall; performance based seismic analysis; settlement coordination analysis
[1]  徐培福,孙建超,黄世敏. 中国国家博物馆改扩建工程结构总体设计[J]. 建筑结构,2011,41(6):1\|5,13.
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[6]  孙建超,徐培福,肖从真,等. 钢板-混凝土组合剪力墙受剪性能试验研究[J]. 建筑结构,2008,38(6):1-5,10.
[7]  孙建超,徐培福,肖从真,等. 不同配筋形式的混凝土剪力墙受剪性能试验研究[J]. 建筑结构,2008,38(6):6-10.

[8]  孙建超,王杨,孙慧中,等. 钢板混凝土组合剪力墙在中国国家博物馆工程中的应用[J]. 建筑结构,2011,41(6):14-19.



