您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2018年>> 第09期>>正文内容
摘 要

(1 北京工业大学建筑工程学院, 北京 100124; 2 中国航空规划设计研究总院有限公司, 北京 100120; 3 清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司, 北京 100084)

[摘要]以长春体育场屋盖整体张拉索膜结构为工程背景,针对施工过程中因索的下料误差、安装偏差等引起的结构成形态索力和位形与设计值偏离的问题,利用有限元软件ANSYS研究了结构预应力分布及环索节点位形对单根脊索、谷索和环索的索长误差的敏感性;并以结构张拉成形态索力偏差不超过设计值的5%为要求,提出了单根索的索长误差限值;最后以得到的各类索的误差限值作为最大允许索长误差,生成随机索长误差样本,分析成形态下结构的索力及位形偏差。结果表明,径向索(脊索、谷索)索长误差仅对自身索力影响较为明显,而环索索长误差对结构各处索力影响较为均衡;建议脊索、谷索、环索的索长误差限值分别取索长的1/1 700,1/2 000和1/2 000,该限值可用于指导长春体育场屋盖结构的施工和验收。

[关键词]整体张拉索膜结构; 索长误差; 敏感性分析; 索长误差限值



Research on cable length deviation and its  control limit of all-tensioning cable-membrane structure

Li Xiaotong1, Zhang Guojun2 , Zhang Ailin1, Ge Jiaqi2, Yang Xiao3

(1 The College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 2 China Aviation Planning and Construction Development Co.,  Ltd.,  Beijing 100120, China; 3 Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co.,  Ltd.,  Beijing 100084, China)

Abstract:Taking all-tensioning cable-membrane structural roof of Changchun Stadium as engineering background, in view of the deviation problem of cable force and configuration under the structure′s completed form from the design value caused by blanking deviation, installation deviation of the cable in the construction process, the sensitivity of prestress distribution and loop cable node configuration to the length deviation of single notochord cable, valley cable and loop cable were studied by using the finite element software ANSYS; and taking cable force deviation of the completed form less than 5% of the design value as requirements, the length deviation limit of the single rope was proposed; taking the deviation limit of all kinds of cable as the maximum allowable cable length deviation to generate random samples of cable length deviation, the cable force and configuration under the structure′s completed form were analyzed. Results show that the influence of the radial cable (notochord and valley cable) length deviation on their own cable force is relatively obvious, but the influence of loop cable length deviation on cable force is relatively balanced throughout the whole structure; the length deviation limit of notochord cable, valley cable and loop cable is suggested to 1/1 700, 1/2 000 and 1/2 000 of cable length respectively, the limit can be used to guide the construction and acceptance of the roof of Changchun Stadium.

Keywords:all-tensioning cable-membrane structure; cable length deviation; sensitivity analysis; deviation control limit of cable length


作者简介:李晓通,硕士研究生,Email: xilixiaotong@163.com。



