- 摘 要
(中国建筑科学研究院建筑结构研究所, 北京 100013)
[摘要]超长混凝土结构产生拉应力的因素相对较多,使控制部位组合拉应力随之增大,不易按常规控制其出现宽度超限裂缝,目前设计与施工基本仅凭经验选用温度后浇带、膨胀加强带、混凝土膨胀剂等为主要抗裂措施。结合现有研究成果,从多角度对此进行了深入分析研究,得到以下结论:超长混凝土结构的抗裂验算应合理组合非重力荷载效应;各项抗裂措施的预期综合效果应经验算确认可行;抗裂控制标准宜基于《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB 50010—2010)相应下限值分不同部位适当提高,且不应因结构设有外防水层而降低。此外,研究还提出了相关技术建议与补充措施。
[关键词]超长混凝土结构; 最大裂缝宽度; 耐久性; 温度后浇带; 弹塑性分析; 组合拉应力
Study on cracking control in design of super-long reinforced concrete structures
Pan Li
(Institute of Building Structures, China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China)
Abstract:There are many factors contributing to tensile stress in super-long reinforced concrete structures, followed by increasing of combined tensile stress in the control parts, and it is not easy to prevent out-of-code cracks according to common measures. The main cracking control measures in current design and construction are basically based on experience, and include temperature late-poured band, expansion-reinforcing band and expansion concrete. Combined with existing research results, further researches were conducted on above issues. Conclusions are that: the effect of non-gravitational loads should be combined reasonably while the maximum crack width is checked for super-long reinforced concrete structures; the integrated expected effect of anti-crack measures should be confirmed by calculation; the anti-crack criterion based on lower limit in Code for design of concrete structures(GB 50010—2010)should be increased appropriately with different degrees in different structural parts, and it should not be lowered due to outer water-resisting structural layer. Furthermore, some useful technical suggestions and supplementary measures were proposed.
Keywords:super-long reinforced concrete structure; maximum crack width; durability; temperature late-poured band; elastic-plastic analysis; combined tensile stress
作者简介:潘立,硕士,教授级高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,Email: panlicabr@163.com。