- 摘 要
(香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司, 深圳 518031)
[关键词]性能化设计; ABAQUS软件; 二次开发; 构件损坏等级; 量化; 可视化
Constitutive secondary development of ABAQUS software for automatically quantifying and identifying of component damage level
Chen Long, Zhang Wei, Liu Jun, Yan Lijun
(Hong Kong Huayi Design & Consultant (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518031, China)
Abstract:Based on the secondary development platform of ABAQUS software, the constitutive relations of concrete and steel bars for elastic-plastic time-history analysis were developed. Combined with the current codes, according to the reinforced concrete compressive strain and tensile strain numerical changes in elastic-plastic time-history analysis, programs were compiled to automatically identify damage level of concrete components after the earthquake. The judgment results were sequenced in accordance with the principle of color from light to deep, and different colors were endowed to each component to quantify the damage degree of components. It can clearly express the damage degree of different components to provide more convenient and accurate visualization calculation results for subsequent performance design. Through engineering examples, the correctness of constitutive and automatic quantitative identification of damage grade of component was verified by two levels of single component and conventional structure respectively. Finally, through the actual project case, specific application of the research results was analyzed in detail, to output the more detailed and quantitative results for elasto-plastic calculation and provide sufficient basis for performance-based design construction drawing stage.
Keywords:performance design; ABAQUS software; secondary development; component damage level; quantification; visualization