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摘 要

(华蓝设计(集团)有限公司, 南宁 530011)


[关键词]超长结构; 大跨度结构; 密肋楼盖; 预应力混凝土结构

中图分类号: TU318 文献标识码: A文章编号:  1002-848X(2016)S1-0146-05


Structural design of the ASEAN Cultural Industry R&D Building

Dai Wei, Tong Yanmei, Liang Pingping, Li Yi

(Hualan Design & Consulting Group, NanNing 530011, China)

Abstract: The structural system of the ASEAN Cultural Industry R&D Building is complex with super-long structure, long-span structure, staggered stories and more large-span structure. Because of the harsh requirement of the construction period, architectural styling and the functional requirements, the simple reinforced concrete structures with ease of construction features is used in order to avoid the use of the prestressed concrete structures and the transfer structures. The analysis indicates that the overall structure is reasonable, the structure of various parts adopt different can well meet the requirements of construction and utilization.

Keywords: super-long structure; long- span structure; waffle slab; prestressed concrete structures





