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摘 要

(1 东南大学土木工程学院, 南京210096; 2 苏州市吴中区建筑工程质量监督站, 苏州 215128;

3 北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司, 北京 100037)

[摘要]大跨、轻柔结构的设计中,结构舒适度控制已经成为其中重要设计控制准则之一。设计初期的理论分析值与现场实测值往往会产生较大的出入,因此需要对结构有限元模型进行精细化研究。影响结构舒适度分析模型的主要因素包括结构质量的选取、楼板面层刚度、主次钢梁的连接,结构优化选择及阻尼比的设定,由此提出更为精确的结构舒适度分析模型。并以该模型为依据进行TMD减振控制。以武汉大学万林博物馆不规则悬挑楼盖工程为背景,进行理论分析并与实测值对比验证。结果表明:极限承载力模型对于振动舒适度评价不再适用。采用文中考虑的相关因素进行精细化分析可以比较精确模拟结构在实际使用中的动力特性与动力响应, TMD减振控制后结构满足舒适要求,本文的研究方法可为进行舒适度分析的结构建模提供参考。

[关键词]不规则悬挑; 精细化研究; 动力特性; TMD减振控制; 舒适度 

中图分类号: TU352 文献标识码: A文章编号:  1002-848X(2016)S2-0130-07


Sophisticated study on the influencing parameter of irregular and cantilever floor

 based on vibration serviceability evaluation

Zhou Chen1,2, Zhang Zhiqiang1, Ye Fei3, Hu Xinyi1,3, Yang Kang1

(1 School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;

2 Construction Quality Supervision Station of Wuzhong, Suzhou 215128, China;

3 Beijing Urban Construction Design & Development Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100037, China)

Abstract: The vibration serviceability has become one of the governing principles for large-span flexible structure design. The calculated values have bit diffidence with the measured, accurate model was necessary to established. Factories influence the vibration serviceability including structural quality, stiffness of floor surface, connection between primary and secondary steel beam, structure optimization and damping ratio. TMD vibration control is construct in this modal. Based on the steel-concrete floor structure of Wanlin museum in Wuhan University, calculated and measured modal values are in compared. The results show that ultimate load-bearing capacity structure model is no longer applicable for vibration serviceability; The sophisticated model presented can better reflect the characteristics and dynamic response of the structure, the structure can meet vibration serviceability after TMD vibration control. The research method proposed eventually can be significant to structure modeling using for vibration serviceability evaluation. 

Keywords: irregular; cantilever; sophisticated study; dynamic characteristics; TMD vibration control; serviceability evaluation



作者简介: 周晨,硕士,Email:zc_npl@sina.com。



