您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2015年>> 第22期>>正文内容
刘哲锋, 张杰, 胡适, 何婉璐
摘 要
(长沙理工大学土木与建筑学院,  长沙 410004)

[关键词]防震缝; 平面不规则框架; 层间位移角; 层间扭转角
中图分类号:TU375.4      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1002-848X(2015)22-0029-05

Effect of setting seismic joints on seismic behavior of L-shaped irregular plane RC frames
Liu Zhefeng, Zhang Jie, Hu Shi, He Wanlu
(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410004, China)
Abstract: The effect of setting seismic joints on seismic behavior of L-shaped irregular plane RC frames was discussed based on numerical examples which include frames with different stories and different proportion of recessed planar dimension to the overall dimension in the relevant projection direction. By using MIDAS/Building software, time-history analyses were carried out on 40 RC frames under frequent and rare earthquakes of 7 degree respectively. The analysis shows that setting seismic joints increases the maximum drift angle under frequent earthquake and increases the maximum drift angle under rare earthquake at the most time. If the structure stiffness is symmetric after setting seismic joints, torsion effect is greatly reduced. If the structure stiffness is asymmetric after setting seismic joints, the maximum inter-story torsion angle of the asymmetric part is larger than the original structure. Setting seismic joints slightly increases steel consumption, because of the increase in the number of beams and columns due to setting seismic joints.
Keywords: seismic joint; irregular plane frame; inter-story drift angle; inter-story torsion angle



