您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2009年>> 第03期>>正文内容
摘 要

(北京工业大学建筑工程学院,北京 100124)
Experimental study on fatigue performance of corroded RC beams strengthened with AFRP sheets
Deng Zongcai,Zhang Lianpu,Zhang Pengfei,Lin Hefei(College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)
Abstract:In order to research the strengthening effects of AFRP on the fatigue behaviors of the corroded steel reinforced concrete beams, the fatigue properties of RC corroded beams strengthened with AFRP sheets under different ratio of corrosion are researched experimentally inhere, and compared with that of un-strengthened corroded beams and AFRP-strengthened corroded beams. The fatigue performance of AFRP-strengthened corroded beams under different ratio of corrosion is discussed. The results show that compared with un-strengthened moderate corroded beams, the fatigue life of moderate corroded RC beams strengthened with AFRP sheets is increased by 10 times, and increased by 20% for severe corroded RC beams strengthened with AFRP sheets, which indicates that the AFRP sheet can improve significantly the fatigue performance of RC corroded beams.
Keywords:corrosion; AFRP sheet; strengthening; fatigue; concrete beam
作者简介:邓宗才,博士,教授, Email:dengzc@bjut.edu.cn。
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