您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2009年>> 第03期>>正文内容
摘 要

(1 清华大学土木工程系,北京 100084; 2 中国建筑工程总公司技术中心,北京 101300)
[摘要]利用有限单元法对无解析解的中部具有等截面部分的箱形管截面及圆管截面轴心受压梭形薄壁钢管柱的弹性屈曲荷载进行了数值计算,给出了适用于计算这类截面的轴心受压梭形钢管柱弹性屈曲荷载的拟合公式,并对9 742根这类柱子的弹性屈曲荷载用拟合公式和有限单元法的计算结果进行了对比。误差对比表明,拟合公式的计算结果与有限单元法计算结果的误差非常小,拟合公式具有足够的精度,为设计人员提供了一个简单可靠的计算公式。
Elastic buckling loads of shuttle tube steel columns with uniform cross section in the middle part under axial force
Guo Yanlin1, Lin Bing1,2(1 Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;2 Technical Center of China State Construction International Co., Beijing 101300,China)
Abstract:Elastic buckling loads of shuttle tube steel columns with uniform cross section in the middle part under the action of axial force is investigated by using the finite element method (FEM). Based on the numerical results, formula which can calculate the elastic loads of this kind of columns is presented. Elastic buckling loads of 9 742columns calculated by the formula and by the FEM respectively are compared, and results show that the formula is accurate enough, simple and suitable for practical design.
Keywords:shuttle tube steel column; axial compression; elastic buckling loads
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