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方 勇
摘 要

(贵州省建筑设计研究院, 贵阳 550002


[关键词]温度效应; 结构设计

中图分类号: TU119+.22    文献标识码: A    文章编号: 1002-848X(2015)S2-0377-04


Brief probe into the consideration of the effect of temperature in architectural structure

Fang Yong

(Guizhou Province Architectural Design & Research Institute, Guiyang 550002, China)

Abstract The effect of temperature change is objective to architectural structures. By applying the basic conception of calculating temperature effect in structural mechanics, combined with computer software analysis, the pattern of internal force and displacement changes of some architectural structures was obtained.According to the analysis of actual engineering case, it suggested that some current design codes, which do not consider the effect of temperature within a certain range, may influence safety in structural designs, and further inferred the situations in which calculation of the temperature effect is needed, and the influence to the structure of doing so. 


Keywords effect of temperature; structural desgin

作者简介: 方勇,学士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,Email:fangyong2638@163.com。



