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邓日海 李俊华
摘 要

(广西华蓝岩土工程有限公司, 南宁 530001

[摘要]《建筑地基处理技术规范》(JGJ 792012)中的“复合地基静载荷试验要点”有如下条文:当压力-沉降曲线是平缓的光滑曲线时,可按相对变形值确定,…,对有经验的地区,可按当地经验确定相对变形值。然而,按当地经验确定相对变形值的具体过程和步骤如何,规范却没有做进一步的阐述。为此,针对这一问题,结合在柳州某项目积累的一些CFG桩地基处理工程经验,进行总结分析,以供探讨。

[关键词]CFG桩; 复合地基; 静载荷试验; 当地经验; 相对变形

中图分类号: TU472    文献标识码: A    文章编号: 1002-848X(2015)S2-0221-04


Discussion about relative deformation of CFG pile-composite foundation in

static load test according to the experience in the local

Deng Rihai, Li Junhua

(Guangxi Hualan Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd., Nanning 530001, China)

Abstract The composite foundation static load test of Technical code for ground treatment of buildings JGJ 792012 introduces that when pressure-settlement curve is gentle and smooth, relative deformation can be used; relative deformation can also be derived from the local experiences. However, how to work out is no elaborated in the code. Therefore, this problem was summarized and analyzed for discussion on the basis of the experience about CFG pile in Liuzhou.


Keywords: CFG pile; composite foundation; static load test; local experience; relative deformation




