您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2009年>> 第04期>>正文内容
摘 要

(湖南大学土木工程学院, 长沙 410082)
[摘要]通过对三种不同强度等级的高性能水泥复合砂浆基材中的植筋拉拔试验,研究普通钢筋在无机植筋胶的作用下与高性能水泥复合砂浆的粘结锚固性能。归纳出典型的破坏形态,用双因素分析法分析钢筋直径、锚固深度和高性能水泥复合砂浆强度对植筋极限承载力的影响程度,对试验数据用table curve 3D软件进行回归,拟合出实用的极限承载力计算公式。
Experimental research on the behavior of inorganic adhesive steel bar in high performance cement-mortar under tensile load
Bu Liangtao, Quan Yue, Luo Xinghua(College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha  410082, China)
Abstract:Experimental research on the behavior of inorganic adhesive steel bar in high performance cement-mortar under tensile load is finished. The failure forms are investigated. Two factors analysis of variance is used to carry out the influence degree of the diameter,the anchorage depth and the strength of high performance cement-mortar on the ultimate anchorage strength. Calculation formula of the ultimate anchorage strength is drew up with table curve 3D.
Keywords:high performance cement-mortar; adhesive steel bar; pull-out test; ultimate anchorage strength
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