您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2015年>> 第10期>>正文内容
种迅1, 2,叶献国1, 2,蒋庆1, 2,黄俊旗1,吴海燕1,尚尔峥1
摘 要
(1 合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院, 合肥 230009; 2 安徽省土木与建筑材料省级实验室, 合肥 230009)
[摘要]为研究在水平拼缝部位采用强连接的叠合板式剪力墙的抗震性能,完成了两个剪跨比为1.6的剪力墙试件的拟静力试验。结果表明,基础插筋面积较大的试件可以实现强连接,剪力墙的塑性部位由剪力墙与基础间水平拼缝上移至墙板内部,抗震性能接近现浇钢筋混凝土剪力墙;基础插筋面积较小的试件,塑性变形也首先出现在墙板本身,剪力墙与基础间水平拼缝张开宽度较小;两试件屈服荷载相差不大,但插筋面积较大的试件峰值荷载也较大;两试件极限顶点位移角处于1/62~1/45之间,变形能力满足《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB 50011—2010)要求。在试验研究基础上,采用ANSYS软件对试件受力过程进行数值模拟分析,分析与试验结果的对比表明,所建立的分析模型可以较好地模拟试件的受力过程和破坏形态。
[关键词]叠合板式剪力墙; 水平拼缝; 强连接; 抗震性能; 拟静力试验; 数值模拟分析
中图分类号:TU375, TU317+.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-848X(2015)10-0043-06
Seismic performance study of the superimposed shear wall with strong connection in horizontal connection
Chong Xun1, 2, Ye Xianguo1, 2, Jiang Qing1, 2, Huang Junqi1,Wu Haiyan1, Shang Erzheng1
(1 School of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China; 2 Anhui Provincial Laboratory of Civil Engineering and Material, Hefei 230009, China)
Abstract:To study seismic performance of the superimposed shear wall with strong connections in horizontal connection, quasi-static tests of two shear wall specimens with the shear-span ratio of 1.6 were performed. The test results indicate that the design purpose of strong connection could be gained for the specimen with more connecting reinforcement bars in foundation, in which case, the plastic hinges transfer from the horizontal connections between shear wall and foundation to the wall itself and the seismic performance is similar to the cast-in-place reinforced concrete walls. For the specimen with less connecting reinforcement bars, plastic deformation also appears on the wall panel first, and opening width of the horizontal connection between shear wall and foundation is relatively small. Yielding loads of the two specimens are quite close, but the one with more connection bars has the larger peak load. The ultimate drift ratios of the specimens are 1/62~1/45, fulfilling the requirement of Code for seismic design of buildings (GB 50011—2010). Based on the test study, numerical simulation analyses on the mechanical processes of the specimens were conducted using software ANSYS. Comparison between the analysis and test results shows that the finite element models could predict the mechanical process and damage pattern of the specimens well.
Keywords:superimposed-shear-wall;horizontal connection; strong connection; seismic performance; quasi-static test; numerical simulation analysis
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