您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2009年>> 第07期>>正文内容
摘 要

(1 中国建筑设计研究院,北京 100044; 2 中国建筑科学研究院,北京 100013)
Study on wind tunnel test on Dongying Convention and Exhibition Center
Zhang Shoufeng1, He Xiangyu1, Wang Qi1, Fu Longbiao2(1 China Architecture Design & Research Group, Beijing 100044, China; 2 China Academy of Building Research, Beijing 100013, China)
Abstract:The roof of the gallery is tested with the wind from various directions angles through reduced-scale wind tunnel test. The test is made due to the fact that the roof is a cylindrical shell surface spaces and there are many cantilevers around, the importance of the structure and the sensitivity of the membrane to the wind loading are also considered at the same time. This test obtained some important parameters such as the average wind pressure coefficient which provides the wind-resistant design with the reliable basis.
Keywords:cylindrical shell roof; wind tunnel test; average wind pressure coefficient; fluctuating pressure coefficient
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[2]张守峰,朱炳寅,何相宇,等.东营会展中心结构设计中的关键技术[J]. 建筑结构,2009,39(7).
[3]山东东营会展中心风荷载风洞模拟试验研究和风致振动分析[R]. 中国建筑科学研究院,2006.



