- 摘 要
(1 中铝贵阳铝镁设计研究院,贵阳 550004; 2 中铝贵州分公司,贵阳 550008)[摘要]通过工程实例,介绍了孔内深层强夯技术在加固杂填土和高填方土中的应用。通过高动能和超压强在孔内深层强夯,使孔内填料在高压强状态下动力固结,对桩间土产生强力的挤密作用,使桩间土的挤密程度高,从而达到较理想的地基加固效果。提出了孔内深层强夯法复合地基承载力的计算方法和检测手段以及设计时要注意的相关问题,可供设计人员参考。[关键词]深层强夯;地基加固;复合地基;承载力检测Application of SDDC on disposing mixed backfillingGao Xi1, Lu Xin1, Deng Zhonghua1, Li Enhuai2, Liu Jing2, Zhang Qi2(1 Guiyang AluminiumMagnesium Design & Research Institute, Guiyang 550004,China; 2 Guizhou Branch Chalieco, Guiyang 550008,China)Abstract:Through an engineering practice, the application of SDDC (Super Down Hole Dynamic Compaction) on consolidating the mixed backfilling and high backfilling it introduced. With the forced SDDC with the high kinetic energy and super pressure, the backfilling in the hole under the high-strength state shall dynamically become consolidated while strongly compacting the earth between piles and making the earth in high density, which desirably strengthens the foundation. It also offers the method and measure for calculating and testing the bearing capacity of SDDC foundation and highlights the relevant issues to be cared in the engineering design as reference information for the designers.Keywords:SDDC;foundation consolidation;compound foundation bed;bearing capacity test作者简介:高晰,一级注册结构工程师,Email:gamipublic@gami.com.cn。参考文献[1]GB50007—2002建筑地基基础设计规范[S].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002.[2]JGJ79—2002建筑地基处理技术规范[S].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2002.