- 摘 要
(哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院城市与土木学科部,深圳 518055)[摘要]对金属面岩棉夹芯墙面板进行了抗剪性能试验,根据试验结果进行有限元模拟,最后根据试验与有限元结果的对比进行理论分析。结果表明,墙面板连接节点破坏的主要原因是,自攻螺钉由于受到剪力作用,在其与檩条连接处产生力矩,使其发生倾斜,导致自攻螺钉帽斜向接触墙面板,导致局部压力过大,使钢板屈服,最终节点破坏。通过分析,得出了节点抗剪承载力设计公式,为以后节点设计及相关规范制定提供了参考。[关键词]彩钢岩棉夹芯墙面板;节点抗剪;有限元Experiment and theoretical study on joint shearing capacity of the color steel sandwich panels filled with rock woolZhang Fengliang,Zha Xiaoxiong,Huang Yuzhong(Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China)Abstract:The shearing capacity experiment was carried out on the color steel sandwich panels filled with rock wool to study the destructive capacity and behavior. According to the result of the tests,the finite element method was used to do the theory analysis. From the result,the main reason which leads to the failure of the joint is that, the self-threading screw is gradient when the force moment is created at the connection, and the cap of screw is contacted with the single nail in a certain angle, which leads to high pressure in the local part and makes the steel plate yielding. By the finite element and theory analysis, the design formula of joint shearing capacity is got, which will be good references for design and code of the joint.Keywords:the color steel sandwich panels filled with rock wool; joint shearing; finite element method深圳市科技计划项目和深圳市南山区科技计划项目。作者简介:张凤亮,硕士,Email:fl_0206@yahoo.com.cn。参考文献[1]田政明.彩钢板墙面的施工[J].建筑安全.2006,21(7).[2]郑小青, 沈学毅. 彩钢夹芯板及其应用[J]. 水运工程. 2002(12).[3]张帆, 冯玉萍. 金属面夹芯板的选用与施工[J]. 河南建材. 2001(3).[4]聚氨酯泡沫夹芯板结构性能试验报告[R]. 北京:中国建筑研究院结构所. 1988.[5]汪一骏. 钢结构设计手册(第三版)[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2004.[6]HOFF N J, MAUTNER. The buckling of a sandwich-type panels[J]. Journal of the aeronautical sciences,1956(12):285-297.[7]谢旭. 钢结构建筑的细部设计为节点构造[J].建筑设计与理论研究. 2006(4).[8]RAY K,KAR R C. Parametric instability of a sandwich beam under various boundary conditions[J]. Computers & Structures,1995,55(5):857-870.[9]TAEK JIN KWUN,DONGGUEN LEE. Proceedings of Sixth Asian Pacific Conference on Shell and Spatial Structures[C]//2000.[10]魏明钟. 钢结构设计新规范应用讲评[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 1991.[11]戎伟,赵浈生,胡毓敏. 半刚性螺栓端板连接撬力作用分析及计算[J]. 安徽建筑. 2005(5).