- 摘 要
(苏州市建筑设计研究院有限责任公司,苏州 215002)[摘要]主要介绍了苏州国际博览中心4#展厅卸货区钢结构桁架结构设计。通过利用设备层层高和合理的桁架构件设置,充分发挥了钢结构巨型平面桁架杆件轴心受力的优势和平面内的巨大刚度。为有大跨和重荷要求的结构设计提供了参考。[关键词]展厅卸货区;钢结构桁架;轴心受力;刚度Design of steel truss in loading dock area of Suzhou Expo CenterDai Yaping, Zhao Hongkang, Chen Lei(Suzhou Institute of Architecture Design Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215002, China)Abstract:The design of structure truss in 4# loading dock area of Suzhou Expo Center is introduced. By making use of the mezzanine height of central mechanical/electrical plan and setting reasonably the member shape of steel truss, steel truss in supporting axial force and large stiffness in truss plan are taken advantage, which may be a reference for the design of the structures having large span and supporting heavy load.Keywords:loading dock; exhibition hall; steel truss; axial force; stiffness作者简介:戴雅萍,硕士,教授级高工。参考文献[1]GB50009—2001建筑结构荷载规范[S].[2]American-Institute of Steel Construction. AISC Manual of steel Construction, Load and Resistance Factor Design[M]. 2001.[3]ASCE standard ANSI/ASCE 7-02,Minimum Design Load of Building[S].[4]戴雅萍,赵宏康.苏州国际博览中心钢结构楼面设计[J].钢结构,2005,20(6).[5]赵宏康,戴雅萍.苏州国际博览中心标准展厅地震反应分析[J].建筑结构,2007,37(2).[6]GB50017—2003钢结构设计规范[S].