- 摘 要
(1 中国航空工业规划设计研究院,北京 100011; 2 北京交通大学,北京 100044)[摘要]河南艺术中心艺术墙为“单层索网次结构钢管相贯桁架主体钢结构”体系。转换节点是实现主次结构共同工作力学效应、保证整体结构安全的关键节点之一。主次结构的连接转换节点有着与普通钢节点完全不同的索钢接触单元的特殊构造,受力复杂。设计应用ANSYS软件对索钢转换节点进行带接触单元的弹塑性有限元计算分析,并进行足尺节点试验研究,确认了该复杂节点力学性能计算设计的正确性,确保了该类关键节点的安全性。[关键词]转换节点;接触单元;点-面接触;面-面接触;节点试验;等效摩擦系数Computation analysis and test research of the cable-net substructure-major steel structure exchange joint of the theatre of Henan Provincial Art CentreGe Jiaqi1,Zhang Mansheng1,2,Zhang Ling1,Wang Shu1(1 China Aeronautical Project and Design Institute, Beijing 100011, China;2 Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044, China)Abstract:The art wall of Henan Provincial Art Centre is a structural system of the single layer cable-net substructure-the major steel structure of in-plane intersection weld pipe truss. The exchange joint is one of the critical joints, which realizes the mechanics effect of the coincident work and ensures the global safe structure. The exchange joint between the major and minor steel structure with complex mechanics is totally different from the normal joint. The ANSYS finite element analysis software is employed to perform elastic-plastic contact analysis for the exchange joint. Furthermore, full-size joint test is conducted to confirm joint of the mechanics calculation of this type of complex joint, and to insure safety of the key joint.Keywords:exchange joint;contact element;node-area contact;area\|area contact; joint test; equivalent friction coefficient参考文献[1]雷晓燕.三维接触问题新模型研究[J].土木工程学报,1996,29(3):2433.[2]简政,刘用暖,李九红.桩土三维等厚度接触单元模型及其工作性状[J].水利学报,2002(11): 113-117.[3]陈新,孙庆鸿,毛海军,等.基于接触单元的磨床螺栓连接面有限元建模与模型修正[J].中国机械工程,2001(5):524-526.[4]蔡中义,李明哲,李广权.金属成形数值模拟中的接触单元法[J].中国机械工程,2000(8):933-935.[5]罗继伟.无摩擦弹性接触问题的罚有限元法[J].机械工程学报,1984(3):26-30[6]卫东,高德平.接触问题数值分析方法的研究现状与发展[J].南京航空航天大学学报,1994,26(5):664-675[7]BYUNG C L,BYUNG M K.A computational method for plasto-plastic contact problems. Computers & Structures.l984,18 (5):757-765.[8]BO TORSTENFELT.Contact problems with friction in general purpose finite element computer programs[J].Computers & Structures,1983,16(1-4):487-493.[9]F LOUF,J P COMBE,J P PELLE.Constitutive error estimator for the control of contact problems involving friction[J]. Computers & Structures. 2003,81:1759-1777.[10]W N LIU, T HUEMER, J EBERHARDSTEINER,et al.Modified node-smoothing method of non-smooth surfaces in FE .Analyses of 2D Contact[J].Computers & Structures. 2002,80:2185-2193.[11]李润方,龚剑霞.接触问题数值方法以及在机械设计中的应用[M].重庆:重庆大学出版社,1991:14-64