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摘 要

(贵州大学空间结构研究中心, 贵阳 550003




[关键词]网格盒式成束筒; 抗震性能; 静力弹塑性分析


中图分类号:TU973.2      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1002-848X(2015)07-0012-05


Performance analysis of super highrise RC spatial grid cassette bundled tube structure

Chen Jiaqi, Ma Kejian, Shen Bo

 (Space Structure Research Center, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550003, China)


Abstract:A new structure called RC spatial grid cassette bundled tube structure was briefly described. The period, story displacement and shear force distribution between frame columns and corewall of the new structure were analyzed and compared with the conventional framecorewall structure based on a proposed project. The results show that mechanical properties and seismic performance of the new structure are better than those of conventional framecorewall structure. Pushover analysis of the new structure was also carried out with MIDAS/Gen software to obtain the deformation, base shear force, interlayer displacement angle curve and the plastic hinge distribution under performance point state, and the plastic hinge development state and component yielding sequence of the structural system were summarized. The results show that the new structure has good ductility and can fulfill the seismic precautionary requirements of not collapse under the rare earthquake.

Keywords:grid cassette bundled tube; seismic performance; Pushover analysis


*贵州省协同创新中心建设项目(黔教合协同创新字 2013709),贵州大学研究生创新基金资助(校研理工2014039)。





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