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广州东塔核心筒钢结构伸臂桁架巨型节点 施工技术*
肖 杰, 叶代英, 汪永胜, 钟红春, 徐 聪, 邓德员
摘 要

(中建钢构有限公司华南大区, 广州 510640

[摘要]  广州东塔加强层核心筒钢结构伸臂桁架巨型节点施工具有构件超重、节点形式复杂、厚板焊接多、受顶模、塔吊限制大等特点,对构件安装就位、焊接、测量校正以及变形控制造成极大影响。针对该结构施工特点,拟定最优分段方案,安排合理的安装流程,选取科学的安装工艺。配合全程施工模拟、厚板电加热工艺、科学的测量校正方法,有效解决施工难点。

[关键字]  钢结构;伸臂桁架;巨型节点;顶模;施工模拟;电加热

中图分类号:TU74    文献标识码:A         文章编号:

* 中建总公司课题(CSCEC-2010-Z-01-5-03



Construction of giant joints of outriggers in core tube of Guangzhou east tower

Xiao Jie Ye Daiying Wang Yongsheng Zhong Hongchun Xu Cong Deng Deyuan

China Construction Steel Structure Co. , Ltd. of Southern China District Guangzhou 510640,china


Abstract: The giant joints of outriggers in core tube in strengthened level of Guangzhou East Tower has certain characteristics such as heavy weight, complicated joints, thick plate welding, construction under constrain space due to formwork pushing and tower crane lifting radius and capacity, which all together make it difficult for site fitting upwelding, surveying, correction and deformation controlling. According to the characteristic of the joint and its construction condition, member segmentation and erection sequence have been scientifically optimized. With full-process construction simulation, electric heating and advanced surveying technology, the above-mentioned difficulties were effectively overcome.


Keywords: steel structure; outrigger; giant joint; pushing-up formwork; construction simulation; electric heating


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[4] GB 50026—2007 工程测量规范[S]. 北京:中国计划出版社,2008.

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