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郝德裕, 童乐为, 刘博, 龚海龙
摘 要

(同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系,上海 200092



[关键词]  型钢混凝土梁;力学性能;疲劳;抗火;修复;


中图分类号:TU398.2          文献标识码:A          文章编号:




Review of Research Status on Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams

Hao Deyu, Tong Lewei, Liu Bo, Gong Hailong

(Department of Building Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: In order to promote the research and application of steel reinforced concrete (SRC) structures, by the means of reviewing and analyzing relevant research literatures on the topic of SRC beams, this essay firstly gives a brief introduction of the history of SRC structures, and then reviews the current studies on the static mechanical capability of SRC beams and the comparison between 2 major specifications, then investigates the recent developments of fatigue research on SRC beams, and finally summarizes the rehabilitation of damaged SRC beams and the bearing capability of SRC beams under fire hazards. In the end, this article points out a few areas to be looked into in the future.

Keywords: SRC beam; mechanical performance; fatigue property; fire resistance; rehabilitation;


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