您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2015年>> 第02期>>正文内容
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1 东南大学土木工程学院, 南京 210096 2 中国十七冶集团有限公司, 马鞍山 243000


[关键词]钢筋约束浆锚搭接连接; 单向拉伸; 高应力反复拉压; 试验研究

中图分类号:TU375    文献标识码:A     文章编号:1002-848X(2015)02-0032-04


Experimental study on constraint groutfilled lap connection of steel bar

Ma Junwei1, Yin Wanyun2, Liu Shoucheng2, Liu Tifeng2, Pan Jinlong1

 (1 School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;

2 China No. 17 Metallurgical Construction Co., Ltd., Maanshan 243000, China)


Abstract:In order to investigate the reliability and construction method of constraint groutfilled lap connection of steel bars, a total of 144 specimens were designed and tested. Half of them were tested under unidirectional tension and the other half were tested under repeated tension and compression under high stress in steel bars. The influences of experimental parameters on the failure mechanism and bond strength of groutfilled lap connection of steel bars were studied including bar diameter of longitudinal steel, bar lapping length of longitudinal steel, volume reinforcement ratio of stirrup and concrete strength. The experimental results indicate that the constraint groutfilled lap connection for steel bars is simple and reliable for construction, and is one of the best steel bar connection forms in precast concrete shear wall structure.

Keywords:constraint groutfilled lap connection of steel bar; unidirectional tension; repeated tension and compression under high stress; experimental study


作者简介:马军卫,博士研究生,工程师,Email: sl_majunwei369@sina.com



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