您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2015年>> 第01期>>正文内容
摘 要
 (厦门市工程检测中心有限公司,厦门 361004)
[关键词]桩承式路堤; 土拱效应; 土拱效应比; 桩体荷载分担比; 面积置换率
中图分类号:TU433,TU411.3      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1002-848X(2015)01-0094-04
Soil arching effect analysis of pile-supported embankment and proposal of the soil arching effect ratio
Zhang Bafang
 (Xiamen Engineering Center Inspection Co., Ltd., Xiamen 361004, China)
Abstract: According to the deformation characteristics of piles and soil under the embankment loadings, the formation mechanism of soil arching effect and its forming conditions of pile-supported embankment were analyzed. Based on the current study situation of soil arching effect, the soil arching effect ratio was suggested to reflect the utilization degree of soil arching effect. Based on the field measured results and the numerical simulation analyses, the soil arching effect ratio was compared analysis with pile efficacy. Results show that the soil arching effect ratio is more scientific and reasonable to reflect the utilization degree of soil arching effect; the area replacement ratio plays a key role in utilization degree of soil arching effect, and as the rise of the area replacement ratio, the soil arching effect ratio increases first and then decreases, which means that there exists a optimum valve of the soil arching effect ratio.
Keywords: pile-supported embankment; soil arching effect; soil arching effect ratio; pile efficacy; area replacement ratio
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