您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2014年>> 第19期>>正文内容
摘 要
(同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系, 上海 200092)
[关键词]直剪; 斜剪; 极限承载力; 试验研究; 设计方法
中图分类号:TU375      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1002-848X(2014)19-0075-06
Comparison on the ultimate bearing capacities of direct shear and oblique shear for RC members with pre-cracked sections
Lin Feng, Ou Zhixing, Lu Haixia
 (Department of Building Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: The ultimate bearing capacities (UBCs) of direct shear for reinforced concrete (RC) members can be remarkably reduced due to the presence of the cracks parallel to the shear force. The current design codes in China do not provide an appropriate approach to design or check the UBCs of direct shear, which may have hidden danger. To demonstrate this irrationality, experimental and analytical studies were conducted. Twenty-two Z-shaped specimens with different crack lengths, reinforcement ratios and direct reinforcement positions were tested to obtain their UBCs of direct shear. The results show that the UBCs decrease when the crack lengths increase, but the UBCs of direct shear are not affected by the reinforcement positions. Considering the approximately identical reliability with the method of analysis, the UBCs of oblique shear with various stirrup ratios were obtained with the same material and geometric features as the direct shear specimens. By comparing the UBCs of direct shear with those of oblique shear in two perspectives of the ultimate bearing capacity and the design value of bearing capacity, it is found that the failure of direct shear occurs prematurely in certain situations of throughout cracking, stirrup ratio more than 0.18% and longitudinal reinforcement ratio less than 0.60%.
Keywords: direct shear; oblique shear; ultimate bearing capacity; experimental study; design method
作者简介:林峰,博士,副教授,Email: lin_feng@tongji.edu.cn。
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