您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2008年>> 第01期>>正文内容
摘 要
[提要]根据使用要求和鉴定结果,对北京工人体育馆进行抗震加固。通过多种方案比选,确定了整体加固方案。对柱采用增大截面方法加固,对梁、板等采用镀锌钢丝绳网片 聚合物砂浆方法加固。加固后,结构抗震性能得到了改善。分析和试验结果表明,在屋盖稳定索上直接悬挂吊重,对原结构影响较小,方案简单、满足安全可靠要求。
Seismic Strengthening of Beijing Worker"s Gym/Sheng Ping, Ke Changhua, Xu Fujiang, Li Zhidong, Wang Tiefeng, Miao Qisong, Huang Jia, Zhu Zhongyi (Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Beijing 100045, China)
Abstract: According to the service requirements and seismic appraiser results, Beijing Worker"s Gym is seismically strengthened. Strengthening method is determined after comparison of different measures. The columns are strengthened with reinforced concrete, beams, slabs are strengthened with wire rope net polymer mortar method. After strengthening, the seismic performance of Beijing Worker s Gym is enhanced. The additional load is directly exerted on the stabilizing cable. Analysis and experiments show that this method is easy and safe.
Keywords: Beijing Worker"s Gym; seismic strengthening; galvanic wire rope ne-polymer mortar; cable supported roof


