您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2014年>> 第13期>>正文内容
摘 要


 (上海市城市建设设计研究总院, 上海 200125)


关键词]预制混凝土; 外挂墙板; 上承式节点; 有限元法

中图分类号:TU756.4    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1002-848X(2014)13-0047-05

Upper load-bearing joint design method of the precast concrete wall panels

Wu Jinhu, Lu Jiasen, Xu Zhengdong, Zheng Zhenpeng

 (Shanghai Urban Construction Design & Research Institute, Shanghai 200125, China)

Abstract: The related codes and standards for the joint design of the assembled monolithic precast concrete wall panels are lagging behind, which raises some challenges for the joint design of the precast concrete wall panels. The core problems in the process of upper load-bearing joint design of the precast concrete wall panels were studied, the load calculation method and the design combination for the joint were put forward, as well as the reasonable load point selection and the detailed capacity check method for each component check. Moreover, the bearing capacity was calculated by using calculation method discussed in this paper and finite element method respectively via a specific example. Comparing with the results of two methods, the validity of the method shown in this paper was verified, which provides a beneficial reference for similar designs.

Keywords: precast concrete; wall panel; upper load-bearing joint; finite element method



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