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1北京建筑工程学院工程结构与新材料北京高等学校工程研究中心,北京 1000442北京建筑工程学院,北京 100044


[摘要] 传统钢框架支撑体系中支撑的大部分强度和刚度都被竖向荷载消耗掉了,没有充分发挥其抵抗水平荷载的作用,本文通过对支撑和梁连接节点的改进,实现了支撑和框架在竖向传力分离,使支撑不承受竖向荷载。基于ANSYS建立了不承受竖向荷载八字形框架支撑体系(简称新体系)的三维有限元模型,分析了其受力机理。得到了竖向荷载主要由框架承担,支撑受力基本为零;水平荷载由框架和支撑共同承担的结论

[关键词] 不承受竖向荷载;八字形钢框架支撑;工作原理;ANSYS有限元分析

中图分类号:TU398.7        文献标识号码:A         文章编号:1002-848X(2013)S1-1437-04

Principle of mechanics of an inverted V-shaped vertical- load- free bracing for steel frames

Zhao Chiyun1,2, Liu Yan2, Yu Guanxiong2, Wang Hongsen2 , Xing Shuai2

(1 Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing Higher Institution Engineering Research Center of Structural Engineering and New Materials, Beijing 100044,China;2 Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China)

Abstract: Based on the improvement of the connection of the beam and braces, this paper presents an inverted V-shaped vertical- load- free bracing for steel frames, and make an analysis on its mechanical principle by using finite element software ANSYS. It can be safely concluded that the frames system and the bracing system work together to resist lateral loads while the vertical loads are borne mainly by the frames, the braces are vertical-load-free.

Keywordsvertical-load-free; inverted V-shaped bracing; mechanical principle; ANSYS 



