您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2014年>> 第11期>>正文内容
魏洋1,2, 吴刚2, 张敏3
摘 要

1 南京林业大学土木工程学院,南京 210037 2 东南大学混凝土及预应力混凝土结构教育部重点实验室,南京 2100963 北京特希达技术研发有限公司,北京 100011


关键词]加固; 约束混凝土; 绕丝; 轴心受压; 承载力

中图分类号:TU375        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1002-848X(2014)11-0020-05

Experiment on axial compressive behavior and calculation on load carrying capacity of concrete columns strengthened by winding steel wire ropes

Wei Yang1,2, Wu Gang2, Zhang Min3

 (1 College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; 2 Key Laboratory for RC and PRC Structures of Education Ministry, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China; 3 Beijing Texida R&D Co., Ltd., Beijing 100011, China)

Abstract: The strengthening technology of concrete columns by winding steel wire ropes was provided and 15 concrete columns were tested under axial compressive test, in which 3 columns were used for comparison and 12 columns were strengthened by winding steel wire ropes with different winding spacing (10, 20, 30, 40mm). The test results show that winding steel wire ropes can significantly improve the peak stress and the corresponding peak strain of the concrete columns. The peak stress and the peak strain increase when the winding spacing decreases. The failure mode of specimens strengthened by winding steel wire ropes shows as progressive fractures of steel wire ropes in batches. The failure process is endurable and mild, and the failure behavior is ductile. The model to calculate the load carrying capacity was proposed for concrete columns strengthened by winding steel wire ropes. The comparisons indicate that the proposed model results are in good agreement with the test results.

Keywords: strengthening; confined concrete; winding steel wire rope; axial compression; load carrying capacity




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