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王彦超,徐永斌,贺洪伟,景 亭
摘 要


(浙江杭萧钢构股份有限公司, 杭州 310003
[摘要] 宁波联盛钢结构连廊工程,由于施工高度、构件重量较大以及施工场地限制等原因,常规起重设备吊装施工难度大,高空原位散拼及其它方法都无法实施。通过多方案比选,连廊两端钢骨柱采用人字抬灵式桅杆起重机安装,连廊桁架在五层楼面拼装,采用液压同步整体提升的施工方案。此方法克服了狭小场地高空重型钢结构的施工困难,实际的施工结果与方案的方法、验算吻合,效果显著。对施工过程进行非线性有限元分析,实际施工监测与分析结果吻合。对复杂连接节点做了有限元分析,并根据计算结果对节点构造设计进行了完善。本施工方法对类似项目的实施具有较好的参考价值。
[关键词] 大跨重型;高空;钢结构连廊;液压同步;整体提升
中图分类号:TU391      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1002-848X(2013)S1-1012-05
Construction of hydraulic synchronizing integral lifting in high steel sky-bridge at Ningbo Liansheng
Wang YanchaoXu YongbinHe Hongwei, Jing Ting
(Zhejiang Hangxiao Group Steel Structure Co. , Ltd. , Hangzhou 310003, China)
Abstract: The steel sky-bridge of Ningbo Liansheng square, because of Long-span and heavy weight, is difficult for constructing in normal method, such as assembling in suit at high altitude. Through comparison and selection of different plans, the technology of hydraulic synchronizing integral lifting of the sky-bridge is selected, and the columns are erected by mast crane. The construction sequence is the truss of the sky-bridge, which are assembled on fifth floor. This technology breaks the normal methods that construction in sequence from lower to upper. The finally construction verified this method actually. Non-liner FEM analysis is used in construction process, which is anastomosed to  measurement results. The joints are optimized by the results of FEM analysis. The construction method has a good reference value to similar projects.
Keywords: long-span and heavy;high altitude;steel sky-bridge; hydraulic synchronizing;integral lifting


