您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2014年>> 第01期>>正文内容
摘 要

 (中冶集团武汉勘察研究院有限公司, 武汉 430080)



关键词]强夯; 塑料排水板; 河漫滩; 吹填地基; 有效加固深度; 浅层平板载荷试验; 超孔隙水压力

中图分类号:TU47      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1002-848X(2014)01-0092-06


Experimental study and application of combination consolidation of dynamic consolidation and drainage plate in floodplain blow-fill foundation

Huang Tao, Peng Dianhua

Wuhan Surveying-Geotechnical Research Institute Co., Ltd. of MCC, Wuhan 430080, China)


Abstract: Based on combination consolidation mechanism of dynamic consolidation and drainage plate, dynamic compaction tests were conducted with different power levels under conditions with or without plastic drainage plate inserted in floodplain blow-fill foundation of a practical engineering project located in middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. Excess pore water pressure, dynamic consolidation numbers, ramming volume, CPT and fak were analyzed by tests to obtain a series of parameters in dynamic consolidation. Based on above parameters, the original design scheme was complemented and optimized accordingly, which is applied in the rare material foundation treatment. The practical application of engineering shows that foundation treatment by the combinations means of dynamic consolidation and drainage plate make the floodplain blowfill foundation meet the requirements of preliminary stockpiling, and ensure the mine storage to reach the stockpiling goal finally. Combination consolidation of dynamic consolidation and drainage plate is a scientific and economic foundation treatment method.

Keywords: dynamic consolidation; plastic drainage plate; floodplain; blow-fill foundation; effective reinforcement depth; shallow plate static load test; excess pore water pressure

作者简介:黄涛,硕士,教授级高级工程师,硕士生导师,注册土木工程师(岩土),Email: huangtao0815@126.com



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