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(中国建筑设计研究院,北京 100044
[摘要] 鄂托克旗体育中心体育馆下部结构为钢筋混凝土框架结构,体育馆比赛大厅上空采用跨度为53m的张弦梁结构,训练厅上空采用跨度为38m跨的实腹H型钢梁,周边悬挑外延均采用钢桁架结构。计算方法上采用整体计算和上下部结构单独计算,对于空间结构采用不同的计算模型进行分析,确保结构安全可靠。
[关键词] 体育馆;张弦梁结构;风洞试验;结构计算
中图分类号TU398.7      文献标识码A      文章编号1002-848X(2013)S1-0286-04
Structural design of the indoor stadium in Etuok Olympic Sports Center
Luo Minjie, Huo Wenying, Gao Fanghua, Sun Hailin
( China Architecture Design and Research Group, Beijing 10044, China)
Abstract: The main structure of the indoor Stadium in Etuok Olympic Sports Center is reinforced concrete frame with a large-span space frame structure, The 53m-span beam string structure was used in the competition hall, and 38m-span steel plain web beam was uses the training hall, and the suspending truss was built around the roof. The analytical model is consisted of roof steel structure and concrete structure, and the two kinds of structure were analysed separately. In order to assure the safe of the structure, varies structural analysis on the space frame structure has been carried out.
Keywords: stadium; beam string structure; wind tunnel test; structure analysis


