您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2013年>> 第22期>>正文内容
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1 上海交通大学土木工程系, 上海 200240 2 北京中天久业膜建筑技术有限公司, 北京 100096
[摘要]对美国空气支撑结构技术标准ASCE 17-96条关于气承式膜结构泄气时间英标与国标两种单位制下简化计算公式进行分析对比,发现应急门打开、人员疏散时的泄气量国标计算公式存在错误;基于伯努利方程推导泄气量的近似计算公式,并对标准中的国标计算公式进行了改正。在对北京市亦庄羽毛球馆充气膜结构进行泄气试验的基础上,得到其正常使用情况下的近似泄气量;参照美国空气支撑结构技术标准采用国标单位制对该工程紧急情况下人员疏散时泄气时间进行了计算。结合所做的泄气试验阐述了该简化计算方法的不足之处。
[关键词]气承式膜结构; 泄气量; 泄气试验; 泄气时间
中图分类号:TU353        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1002-848X(2013)22-0096-04
Simplified calculation method for deflation of an air-supported membrane structure under emergency evacuation conditions
Qing Qiang1, Gong Jinghai1, Li Zhongli2
(1 Department of Civil Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; 2 Beijing Z & T Fabric Architecture Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100096, China)
Abstract: Simplified formulas to calculate the deflation time of air-supported membrane structures are given by the content in Air-supported structures standards ASCE 17-96. The respective deflation index results of the British standard units and the international standard units were calculated and compared to find that there exists a mistake in the formula in international standard units to calculate air loss due to exiting in case of emergency evacuation. The approximate calculation formula of air loss was developed and corrected based on Bernoulli’s Equation. A deflation experiment was conducted on an air-supported membrane structure of the Yi Zhuang Badminton Hall in Beijing, the normal operating air loss was obtained, and the deflation time for emergency evacuation was calculated in international units according to the Air-supported structures standards. Inadequacies of the simplified calculation method were described based on the deflation experiment.
Keywords: air-supported membrane structure; air loss; deflation experiment; deflation time
1]李中立,宋小兵,龚景海. 充气式膜结构历史回顾及现状[C//庆祝刘锡良教授八十华诞暨第八届全国现代结构工程学术研讨会论文集.天津,2008.
2ASCE 17-96 Air-supported structures standardsS. American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997.
3CECS 1582004 膜结构技术规程[S. 北京: 中国计划出版社, 2004.
4]丛峻. 复杂空间结构表面风压的数值模拟——筒壳分析[D. 北京: 北京建筑工程学院, 2009.


