您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2013年>> 第22期>>正文内容
孙绍东, 胡海涛, 井彦青, 李华亭
摘 要


(青岛腾远设计事务所有限公司,青岛 266100
[关键词]抗浮锚杆; 设计水位; 抗拔力; 合理布置
中图分类号:TU943    文献标识码:文章编号:1002-848X(2013)22-0080-06
Research on rational design of anti-floating anchor
Sun Shaodong, Hu Haitao, Jing Yanqing, Li Huating
(Qingdao Tengyuan Design Institute Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266100China )
Abstract: Based on the current situation that there is no unified calculating formula of anti-floating anchor in terms of different codes, specifications and technical measures, rational suggestions were put forward on calculation of anti-floating water level value, partial coefficient value of water buoyancy design value, calculation of single anchor pullout force, and whether rebars can be partially cut off. With application of Hook element of SAP2000 software to simulate the anti-floating anchor calculation, influence of factors such as anchor layouts, plate thickness, upper pressure, coefficient of subgrade, foundation beam and external plate on anchor pull were analyzed. Some useful suggestions on reasonable design of anchor were presented as well.
Keywords: anti-floating anchor; design water level; pullout force; rational layout
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