您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2013年>> 第17期>>正文内容
摘 要
(北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司, 北京 100045)
[关键词]钢管混凝土柱; 节点设计; H型钢牛腿; 有限元分析
中图分类号:TU973.121;TU398.7        文献标识码:A        文章编号:1002-848X(2013)17-0129-05
FEM analysis of CFST column-RC beam joint for New Tangshan Railway Station
He Minfei, Yu Donghui
(Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Beijing 100045, China)
Abstract: The concrete filled steel tubular(CFST)column-RC beam joints in New Tangshan Railway Station have large dimension and complicate detail construction. H shaped corbels and piercing reinforcing bars are used in the columns. The design principle is decided that H shaped corbel bears the shear force and the moment are supported by the concrete beams and corbel together. The mechanical performance, failure principle and the coordinated working performance are studied through finite element analysis. The H shaped corbel can transfer the load from beams reliably, improve the joint stiffness and load bearing capacity, as well as the important part of transition between concrete filled steel tubular column and reinforced concrete beam. Through the study, it makes clear that the joint has good integrate performance.
Keywords: concrete filled steel tubular column; concrete beam; joint; H shaped corbels; finite element; prestress
作者简介:贺旻斐,助理工程师,Email: Heminfei@163.com。
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