您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2013年>> 第17期>>正文内容
摘 要
(北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司, 北京 100045)
[摘要]哈尔滨大剧院包括大剧场(1 564座)、小剧场(414座)与车库等。建筑外形设计采用飘带形的造型,由多种形式的钢结构组成,包括单层网壳、双层网壳、折梁结构,内部异形楼梯为钢结构。使用SATWE和MIDAS软件建立整体结构模型进行分析。整体结构具有良好的抗侧能力。通过考虑几何非线性与几何材料双非线性的整体稳定分析,验证钢结构整体稳定性满足规范要求。通过对大剧场和小剧场的大震弹塑性分析,表明在大震下结构具有良好的抗震性能。对复杂钢结构节点进行了有限元分析,并根据结果对节点进行加强。基础形式采用桩筏基础,利用JCCAD软件进行了地基基础协同分析。对冬季不采暖车库的温度作用进行了专门的有限元分析,并采用了预应力技术以防止开裂。各项分析表明,结构满足正常使用与地震作用下的性能要求。
[关键词]剧院; 钢结构; 网壳; 稳定分析; 弹塑性分析; 桩筏基础; 温度作用
Structural design and research of Harbin Opera House with a ribbon shape
Zhu Ming, Dai Fucong, Zhang Yufeng, Liu Fei, Liu Chuanjia, Wang Chunlei, Li Huafeng, Zhu Zhongyi, Zhang Xu
(Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Beijing 100045, China)
Abstract: Harbin Opera House includes a grand opera house(1 564 seats),a small opera house(414 seats) and parking garage, which has a ribbon shape external surface in architectural design. The external shell are multiple types of steel structure, including single-layer lattice shell, double-layer lattice shell, folded beam. Steel structure is also used for the irregular internal stairs. SATWE and MIDAS software were both used to build the whole building model of the structure. The whole structure has rather good ability to resist the earthquakes. Whole stability analysis was used to verify the stability of the steel structure. Elastic-plastic analysis shows that the structure has good performance under rarely occurred earthquake. Finite element analysis(FEA) method was used in the design of joints. The structure has a pile-raft foundation, and JCCAD was used for the analysis of foundation-soil interaction. Special FEA method of the parking garage under action of temperature was carried out, and prestressed concrete technology is applied to prevent cracks of structure. All the analyses show that the structure satisfies requirements under loads of normal use and earthquakes.
Keywords: theaters; steel structure; latticed shell; stability; elastic-plastic analysis; pile-raft foundation; temperature
作者简介:朱鸣,硕士,高级工程师,Email: bj610@163.com。
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